Email connects you with your customers, partners and employees. Organize and protect it -automatically!
mxHERO Mail2Cloud supports full automation of email at-rest and email in-flight capture for rendering within the Box Content Cloud. The solution works with all email systems and allows content to then be 'intelligently' exposed within the Salesforce platform eco-system including:
Salesforce Sales Cloud
Salesforce Service Cloud
Salesforce Experience Cloud for customer, partner and employee knowledge article and content access powered by the Box w/Salesforce Connector (integration)
Capture email in-flight and at-rest
Email body (converted to a PDF document)
Metadata for powerful eDiscovery
Email attachment in their native format
All email assets rendered within the associated Salesforce objects.
Productivity through intelligent automation. Example...
Email to and from customer Acme Inc. is automatically copied into a correspondence Box folder embedded in the Salesforce Acme Inc. Account object.
Email optimized for the power of Box,
easily accessible from Salesforce
Email saved as a document, linked to attachments and preserved in native format
Searchable PDF of message body
Attachments saved separately
.eml, .msg
Original message file allows opening in native email client
All content enriched with Box metadata ready for rapid eDiscovery
from, to, date, subject, etc...
Many advantages
Allows cost-takeouts by eliminating customer storage costs within Salesforce (e.g. leverages Box's unlimited content storage vs. for-fee CMS add-on costs for clients)
Allows for intelligent capture automation of contracts, financial documents, proposals, knowledge articles, case documents, quotes or other for intelligent routing into Box's Content Cloud w/visibility or content access then provided via the Box w/Salesforce integration.
Improves security for inbound flowing content (e.g. PREVIEW capability vs. blinded downloads for inbound content)
Improves 'control' over outbound content fired via email as content sent internally or externally is auto-routed into Box and exposed within Salesforce via integration rules
Allows meta-data capture to support workflow automation, approvals, and/or notifications powered by Salesforce and Box's Relay solutions
Extends the security advantages of Box Shield to inbound/outbound email content ensuring secure access whether from email, Box or Salesforce
Eliminates content 'silo' that is at-rest email (e.g. content is more valuable and more secure in Box)
Eliminates CO2 processing overhead for inbound/outbound attachments supporting ESG and sustainability initiatives for Box and Salesforce customers