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mxHero Addressing the TAM for Email Technology Innovation and Perspectives for the Future of Work

Email technology, the most ubiquitous business communication platform, presents a massive market opportunity for innovation.

According to independent research conducted by technology market research firm The Radicati Group, and leveraging their worldwide database which tracks user populations, seat counts, and enterprise adoption and IT use (since 1993) as well as geo-based survey data, a few profound takeaways are relevant for consideration by IT leaders. According to the Radicati Group, worldwide email use continues to grow at a healthy pace.

In 2015, the number of worldwide email users will exceed 2.6 billion users and by the end of 2019, that number is expected to exceed 2.9 billion [Email Statistics Report, 2015–2019, Radicati]. As such, over a third of the world’s population will be using email by the end of the current calendar year. While the report highlights the growth in email use worldwide, it is acknowledged that the use of instant messaging, social networking, and other forms of communication also continues to expand.

However, these innovative platforms also rely on a user ‘key’ as every one of these services relies on the end-user having an email address. This also includes new innovations such as e-commerce, online banking — all which require an active email address. Between 2015–2019, the number of worldwide email users has grown at an approximate 3% per year inclusive of both business and consumer-level email accounts. In 2015 alone, over 205 billion emails were sent and received on a DAILY basis worldwide and expected to exceed 246 billion emails by the end of the current calendar year (2019).

For mxHero Mail2Cloud, the TAM and Serviceable Obtainable Market is nothing short of profound

For mxHero, given full focus on our enterprise Mail2Cloud platform solutions including the collaboration, user-adoption, and inherent content retention and cyber-security benefits, we know we operate at a sub-set of the overall global email infrastructure, namely, business specific email accounts. As such, research indicates that the average business user sends and receives approximately 122 emails per day per user (2015 data) and expanding upwards to over 126 messages per day per user by the end of 2019 if growth projections hold. For a global enterprise focused on the future of work who has, for example, 10,000 employees, that equates to some 1.26 million emails sent and received on a daily basis or 460 million emails sent/received over the course of a year. A further breakdown indicates that of the projected 126 emails per user per day sent and received, some 96 of those emails are inbound emails (77 legitimate and some 19 projected as SPAM) and some 30 emails per day are designated as ‘sent’ emails. With a total worldwide email sent/received figure exceeding 246.5 billion emails a day, research indicates that some 52% of those global email totals are directly applicable to ‘business related’ emails or some 128.8 billion email transactions per day.

Based on available research, a 1,000 person company traffics a whopping 126,000 email messages a day

Observations for the Future of Work

For an enterprise such as mxHero who is fully focused on email platform innovation to drive collaboration, workflow automation, platform adoption, content policy attainment, and threat-vector reductions, the TAM and Serviceable Obtainable Market is nothing short of profound. Given the ubiquitous nature of email for the enterprises of tomorrow, the fact of the matter is we all rely on email communications and the inherent ‘key’ it provides for us specific to content and specific to ‘accessibility’ for the boundary suite of social and enterprise applications we so rely on.

Given the breadth of global business-level email use, a further research segment to showcase the percentage (%) of emails with attachment payloads would be an even more insightful and profound area to explore analytically or from a research perspective. Radicati research has estimated that 24% of business emails sent and received carry file attachments. [Email Statistics Report, 2009–2013, Radicati] This number is profound not only in terms of the number of attachment payloads (53 messages with attachments / day / user), but in terms of the content sizing (often with limitations), content storage requirements, and inherent insecurity that exists with the exchange of classified, confidential and often regulatory impacting email-based attachments.

If the future of work is to leverage not only upper right quadrant best-of-breed new technologies, company executives will also be challenged to ensure that ‘existing’ IT platforms and solutions are meeting and/or exceeding the security, collaboration, workflow automation and value proposition objectives of their installed based systems — including email. To not address innovation on the most profound and ubiquitous IT infrastructure tool, will impede the future of work for these same enterprises.

At mxHero, we are addressing this global opportunity and technical challenge head-on. Our Mail2Cloud Intelligent Platform provides a significant level of innovation for enterprise executives as they consider the above themes. Given the proliferation of email-based communications in the enterprise and the respective content payloads inherent to those communication exchanges, improving collaboration, workflow automation and extending the value proposition of the enterprise for the content management platform solutions they’re investing in are key considerations for the future of work. From a security perspective, the rationale for innovating in the email-sector of the IT innovation stack is perhaps even more profound given the threat vectors associated with weaponized attachments and security concerns. Security as such can no longer be simple firewall or end-user training focused as a theme for enterprise security. At mxHero, we believe ‘security’ is an IT stack consideration at all levels of the enterprise IT eco-system and by auto-removing email content and attachment payloads in favor of the more secure advantages of emerging cloud-based content management platforms (e.g. Box), we are fueling the future of work. While the TAM and Serviceable Obtainable Market is nothing short of extensive for such solutions on a global basis, we believe the value of new technologies including mxHero’s Mail2Cloud will offer every business (from small 5–10 person SMB firms to the world’s largest enterprises) a significant advantage and we are excited about fueling the Future of Work.

Originally posted on Medium


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